
Available Exhibitions (UK)


    Below is a list of exhibitions which the Embassy of Israel, London can provide to any venue or location in the UK. To request an exhibit, please email pr-sec@london.mfa.gov.il with the subject "Exhibition Request".

    1.       “Our Land” – Photo Exhibition, Alex Libak

    2.       “Tel  Aviv – Jaffa”

    3.       Sessions Architecture

    4.       “Visa for Life” (Holocaust)

    5.       “Changes” – The dramatic development of the country in the last century

    6.       “The Source” Photo Exhibition of religious sites of different religions.

    7.       “The Hebrew Alphabet”

    8.       The Western Wall

    9.       “From the Beginning” Photo Exhibition of different sites in Israel, 2 pictures collage with verses from the Bible.

    10.   Nature & Landscape

    11.   “Horizons – ways of settlements – cities, kibbutz, architecture, culture etc.

    12.   “Migratory Birds doesn’t have borders”

    13.   The Spirit of Jerusalem

    14.   Jerusalem from above\Air

    15.   To be 20 years old in Jerusalem

    16.   Not a Child game (Holocaust)

    17.   Peace with humor (Drawings of Arab & Jewish Children)

    18.   The Dead Sea

    19.   Then & Today

    20.   Save a Childs Heart

    21.   Local Testimony

    22.   The Shadow of Jerusalem​

    To request an exhibit or for further information, please email pr-sec@london.mfa.gov.il with the subject "Exhibition Request"​
