The Palestinian Authority Must Stop Paying Terrorists and Their Families

The Palestinian Auth. Must Stop Paying Terrorists

  •   The Palestinian Authority Must Stop Paying Terrorists and Their Families
    The Palestinian Authority Must Stop Paying Terrorists and Their Families

    1.     Every year, the Palestinian Authority transfers salaries in the amount of more than $100 million to convicted terrorists jailed in Israeli prisons, and hundreds of millions of dollars more to the families of terrorists who were killed or injured.


    2.     The more they kill – the more they get. For example, Marwan Barghouti, who is serving five life sentences for the murder of civilians, will have received approximately one million dollars while in prison (by the time he reaches age 85).


    3.     A portion of the budget for these payments is public monies donated by democratic countries, which regularly allocate funds for the PA’s budget. Rather than developing its public education and health systems, the PA prefers to transfer the money to terrorists.


    4.     This activity encourages terrorism, incites violence and prevents peace. Many of the terrorists have admitted in their interrogations that the money was a main consideration in their decision to commit acts of terror.


    5.     Israel calls on the Palestinian Authority to cease funding terrorists, eliminate the PA legislation that mandates these payments and stop incentivizing violence and the rejection of peace.


    6.     Israel calls on the international community to pressure the PA to end its ‘murder for hire’ policy. Israel calls on the international community to pressure the PA to end its ‘murder for hire’ policy and confirm that any money provided by the tax-paying citizens of donor countries is not used for this goal. This is a cynical use by the PA of the funds provided by donor countries.


    7.     By paying salaries to terrorists, the Palestinian Authority promotes a policy that encourages violence against Israeli citizens and educate its people to reject Israel within any borders as the nation-state of the Jewish people. This is the real reason there is no peace between Israel and the Palestinians; we will only be able to achieve peace when this changes.​ 
