Ο Ισραηλινός start-uper Oren Simanian σε ένα workshop στο Orange Grove

Ο Ισραηλινός Oren Simanian στο Orange Grove

  •   το Ισραηλινό οικοσύστημα των start-up
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    Τρίτη 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2015, στις 19.00 στο Orange Grove Βασ. Κωνσταντίνου 5-7, Αθήνα.  
    It is our great pleasure to welcome to Orange Grove, in cooperation with the Israeli Embassy in Athens ( Ισραήλ στην Ελλάδα | Israel in Greece ), Oren Simanian, one of the key-persons in the Israeli start-up ecosystem, founder of StarTau: Tel-Aviv University's Entrepreneurship Center, and Marketing and Community responsible for Indiegogo Israel. 

    Oren Simanian will elaborate on the Israeli Startup Ecosystem, how it was built, which are the key elements of its success and why multinationals should take an interest in the lively startup world. He will also share his insights and experience concerning the ways you can fund your startup, which tools to use and also the do's and don’ts of Entrepreneurship. Of course a discussion of the trading topics in the startup scene cannot be absent from this event, so crowdfunding, IOT and anti-ageing will also be part of this seminar’s agenda. Do not miss the chance to learn from one of the key players in one of the most blooming startup ecosystem in the world! 

    Oren is the founder and CEO of StarTAU, Tel Aviv's University entrepreneurship center, which is one of the most active entrepreneurship centers in Israel. He is managing 15 team members (8 employees and 7 interns), he has screened more than 800 start ups and has educated more than 2400 people making him extremely experienced. He also initiated the 1st hi-tech course for the Israeli Arab sector (MASAR). He has hosted more that 350 foreign guests consisting of entrepreneurs, investors, and diplomats. Some examples are: 
    The Dutch Prime Minister, the Peruvian and Colombian Commerce Deputy Minister, the CEO of the Chilean export Institute, the Minister of economy of Chile, the Mayor of BRN, the Catalonian President and the Ivy League University presidents.

    Oren Simanian has graduated from the Department of Accounting and Economics of the Tel Aviv University and from the Berglas School of Economics & Recanati Business School.

    His recent guest speeches and lectures include:
    1. Creating Entrepreneurship" – University of Nicosia, Cyprus. 2012 
    2.’’Building entrepreneurial Eco-systems’’ – ‘’Outstanding Event’’, Santiago, Chile. 2012 
    3.’’Entrepreneurial Eco-system’’ – TEDx talk, Nicosia, Cyprus. 2013
    4.’’Entrepreneurial Eco-system'' – Minister of economy, Riga, Latvia. 2013
    5. ‘’Investment tools and early stage start-ups’’ – La Caixa Bank, Barcelona, Spain. 2013
    6.‘’Early stage start-ups’’ – UPC University & Chamber of Commerce, Lima, Peru. 2013
    7.‘’ The Israeli model’’ – Cartagena, Colombia. 2013

    Oren Simanian's other activities include being a member of the Israeli football association, being a football referee at the 1st league and being the Co-Founder of STARTISRAEL, the web platform for the Israeli startup ecosystem which is a joint venture with ’The marker’.