Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Tel Aviv Rollerblading

    300 rollerbladers hit the streets of Tel Aviv for a fast ride through the city's nightlife hotspots
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    Falling for Hamas’s media manipulation

    Hamas media strategy's purpose is "to portray Israel’s unparalleled efforts to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza as indiscriminate firing at women and children."
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    Falling for Hamas' Media Manipulation

    Which stories best serve the terrorists' interest?
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    Iranian-Israeli Singer Rita Rocks the Residence

    The Iranian-Israeli singing superstar performed some of her hits prior to her performance at the Strathmore. (video)
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks on the Palestinian UN bid

    "The only way to achieve peace is through agreements that are reached by the parties directly... and not through UN resolutions that completely ignore Israel’s vital security and national interests."
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    Arab-Israeli firm developes a solar energy source

    Yafa Energy uses a prestigious grant to further develop a solar fuel source for cash-strapped industrial countries.
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    Nov. 21: Cease-fire agreement achieved

    PM Netanyahu accepted the recommendation of President Obama to give the Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire a chance. If Hamas and the rest of the terrorist groups in Gaza violate the ceasefire, the IDF will respond forcefully.
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    Bus bombed in Tel Aviv

    Around noon (Israel time) today, city bus no. 61 was bombed in Tel Aviv. The attack left three moderately to seriously injured and over 20 hurt by shrapnel, blast effect, burns and shock.
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    NYT: Hamas Left Israel No Choice but to Strike

    Hamas targets Israeli civilians while hiding behind its own. in 2005, Israel uprooted 21 of its Gaza settlements and their 9,000 Israeli residents, and received terrorism in return.
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    Op-Ed in the NY Times: No choice but to strike

    Hamas targets Israeli civilians while hiding behind its own. in 2005, Israel uprooted 21 of its Gaza settlements and their 9,000 Israeli residents, and received terrorism in return.
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    Nov. 20: Two Israelis killed by rockets

    Two Israelis were killed by Hamas rockets fired into southern Israel. RocketS hit also Be’er Sheva and Rishon LeZion.
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    Nov. 20: PM Netanyahu's Statements

    Statements by PM Netanyahu, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon today after their meetings.
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    Taking Every Measure to Avoid Civilian Casualties

    ​Israel and the IDF does its utmost to avoid civilian casualties when striking back against the Hamas terror organization: placing recorded telephone calls and dropping warning leaflets.
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    Hamas firing from Gaza population centers

    Hamas firing rockets from densely populated areas in Gaza while the IDF is taking the utmost care to protect uninvolved civilians during the operation.
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    Senators, Congressmen support Israel

    Recent statements of Members of Congress show support for Israel and operation "Pillar of Defense."
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