Bus bombed in Tel Aviv

Bus bombed in Tel Aviv

    Around noon (Israel time) today (Nov. 21), a city bus was bombed in Tel Aviv. The attack on the no. 61 bus left three moderately to seriously injured and over 20 hurt by shrapnel, blast effect, burns and shock. ​​
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    Bus Bombed in Tel-aviv Bus Bombed in Tel-aviv
    Targeting these innocent civilians is a serious violation of international law. At the height of international efforts to reach a cease-fire, Palestinian terrorists chose to escalate their attacks against Israeli civilians. This​ attack will complicate these international efforts. 
    The recent escalation of violence from Gaza started on November 10th  with 121 rockets launched by Hamas and the other terrorist organizations. Israel has demonstrated great restraint, limiting its operation over the past few days despite ongoing rocket attacks. In sharp contrast, Palestinian terror organizations decided to expand their operations.
    While Israel is doing everything possible to avoid injury to Palestinian civilians in Gaza, Hamas and the other terrorist organizations deliberately target Israeli civilians, by rocket and by bomb.

    Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the Terrorist Attack in Tel Aviv:
    The United States condemns today’s terrorist attack on a bus in Tel Aviv.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those injured, and with the people of Israel.  These attacks against innocent Israeli civilians are outrageous.  The United States will stand with our Israeli allies, and provide whatever assistance is necessary to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators of this attack.  The United States reaffirms our unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security and our deep friendship and solidarity with the Israeli people. 
    Statement by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:
    The United States strongly condemns this terrorist attack and our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the people of Israel. As I arrive in Cairo, I am closely monitoring reports from Tel Aviv, and we will stay in close contact with Prime Minister Netanyahu's team. The United States stands ready to provide any assistance that Israel requires.
