Iranian-Israeli Singer Rita Performs at Ambassador Oren's Residence

Iranian-Israeli Singer Rita Rocks the Residence


    Israeli singer ​Rita exuded warmth and joy as she and her band delivered an unbelievable performance at the Ambassador's Residence on Monday, November 12. With a crowd of over 60 people, the exciting energy of the room was palpable as guests danced and sang along to her famous Farsi and Hebrew songs.

    Rita's performance at the Ambassador's residence preceded her performance at the Strathmore which drew a crowd of more than 800, that danced and joined in singing with the popular singing superstar.

    In addition to a successful singing career, Rita Yahan-Farouz is known also for her work as an Israeli-Iranian cultural ambassador: a star using the arts to build a bridge between cultures.


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    Rita Rita Copyright: Rita - Official Website