Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu's Remarks

    President Peres' Remarks

    Five Rockets fired At Israel from Gaza

    As U.S. President Obama Visits Israel, Five Rocekts Were Fired This morning (March 21) at Israel from Gaza. Two Rockets Hit Israel, One Damaged a Home in Sderot.
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    Israeli Innovations Highlighted in Obama's Visit

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will show US President Barack Obama a series of technological products by Israel's high-tech industries in the framework of a special exhibit.
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    Israeli Innovations Highlighted in Obama's Visit

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will show US President Barack Obama a series of technological products by Israel's high-tech industries in the framework of a special exhibit.
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    Netanyahu to Peres: I have formed a government

    PM Netanyahu: "As you know, I formed a government. We face a decisive year in the fields of security and economy, in efforts to promote peace and in Israelis' desire to effect change."
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    Tour Israeli Sites from Pres. Obama's Trip

    Follow U.S. President Barack Obama's trip to Israel with a virtual tour of Israel.
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    President Bush in Israel (2008)

    President Bush visited Israel twice in 2008. He visited with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and marked the 60th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel
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    President Clinton in Israel ('94, '95, '96, '98)

    President Clinton visited Israel four times during his two presidential terms. In 1994 Clinton visited to mark the Israel-Jordan peace agreement.
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    President Carter in Israel (1979)

    President Carter arrived in Israel on March 11th, 1979 to promote the Israel-Egypt peace talks. Carter met with Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and spoke at the Knesset.
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    President Nixon in Israel (1974)

    The first U.S. President to visit Israel while in office, President Nixon met with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and discussed efforts to achieve peace and security in the Middle East.
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    Rita Performs at the U.N. Hall

    Iranian born Israeli singing Rita Rocked the U.N. General Assembly Hall on Tuesday night.
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    Amb. Oren on the Colbert Report

    Amb. Oren sits with Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert to chat about President Obama's upcoming visit to Israel.
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    Sec. Hagel Meets with Minister Barak

    During His first meeting with a foreign counterpart since taking office as a Secretary fo Defense, Hagel expressed the US strong commitment for missile and rocket defense systems in spite of fiscal constraints.
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    Minister Barak's Remarks at AIPAC Conference

    On Iran:"Sanctions are hurting but I do not believe will lead Ayatollahs to give up nuclear aspirations; all options must remain on the table."
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