President Carter in Israel

President Carter in Israel (1979)


    Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin addresses The Knesset during the visit of US President Carter to Israel. Photo: Ya'acov Sa'ar, GPO​.

  • The Visit

    ​​President Carter arrived in Israel on March 11th, 1979, in order to help promote the peace talks that followed the Camp David Accords. President Carter met with Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and spoke at the Knesset about the American commitment to achieving a long-lasting peace agreement.

    After his visit to Israel, President Carter visited Egypt, where he met with Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat, who agreed to the terms confirmed during Carter's visit to Israel.
    Two weeks after President Carter's visit to Israel, on March 26th, the historical Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty was signed in Washington D.C.​​

    Read the full text of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt​​​

    The official greeting ceremony for US President Carter at Ben Gurion Airport. Photo: GPO​

    Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin's welcome speech for US President Jimmy Carter at The Knesset. Photo: GPO​.

    US President Carter meets with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Photo: GPO.

    US President Jimmy Carter laying a wreath at the eternal flame monument outside The Knesset. Photo: GPO​

    The official dinner banquet at The Knesset, welcoming US President Carter. Photo: GPO​.

  • Quotes

    Press Conference with President Carter, May 12, 1977​

    “We have a special relationship with Israel. It's absolutely crucial that no one in our country or around the world ever doubt that our number one commitment in the Middle East is to protect the right of Israel to exist, to exist permanently, and to exist in peace. It's a special relationship.” (Full Text)​