President Clinton in Israel

President Clinton in Israel ('94, '95, '96, '98)


    Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and King Hussein of Jordan shake hands at the signing ceremony of the Peace treaty between Israel and Jordan. Photo: GPO.
  • The Visits

    President Clinton visited Israel four times during his two presidential terms:

    On October 26-27, 1994, President Clinton came to Israel to mark the signing of a peace agreement between Israel and Jordan, for which he was the principal mediator. The signing ceremony took place at the new border crossing north of Eilat with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the King of Jordan and President Clinton in attendance.

    On November 6, 1995, President Clinton arrived in Israel to attend the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's funeral. 

    On March 13 - 14, 1996, President Clinton visited Israel to pay tribute to victims of recent terror attacks and their families. He also met with senior Israeli officials in order to discuss cooperation against terrorism.

    On December 12-15, 1998, President Clinton visited Israel in order to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior officials and reaffirm the strong bond between the two countries. 

    U.S President Bill Clinton, and Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, during a meeting at King David hotel. Photo: GPO​

    U.S President Bill Clinton attends the signing ceremony of the Peace treaty between Israel and Jordan. Photo: GPO​

    Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, U.S President Clinton, and King Hussein watch as Israeli and Jordanian soldiers shake hands during the signing ceremony of the Israeli-Jordanian Peace treaty. Photo: GPO

    U.S President Bill Clinton, with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, King Hussein of Jordan, Israeli President Ezer Weizman, at the signing ceremony of the Israel-Jordan Peace treaty.​ Photo: GPO

    U.S President Bill Clinton, during his speech at the signing ceremony of the Israel-Jordan Peace treaty. Photo: GPO​

    U.S President Bill Clinton, during his speech at the Knesset, while visiting Israel. Photo: GPO​.

    U.S President Bill Clinton, paying his last respects to the late Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin, who was killed at the end of peace rally, on November 4th, 1995. Photo: GPO​.

    President Clinton, meeting with acting Prime Minister Shimon Peres, at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. Peres replaced the late Prime Minister Rabin. Photo: GPO​
  • Quotes

    President Bill Clinton's Address to the Knesset, October 27, 1994

    ​​"For decades, as Israel has struggled to survive, we have rejoiced in your triumphs and shared in your agonies. In the years since Israel was founded, Americans of every faith have admired and supported you. Like your country, ours is a land that welcomes exiles, a nation of hope, a nation of refuge. From the Orient and Europe and now from the former Soviet Union, your people have come, Ashkenazim and Sefardim, Yemenites and Ethiopians, all of you committed to living free, to building a common home.” (Full Text)