Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Google Acquires Waze for $1 Billion

    Google announced on Tuesday that it will acquire Waze, the Israeli navigation startup based in Ra’naana for approx. $1 billion.
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    PM Netanyahu to Abu-Mazen: "Give Peace a Chance"

    ​PM Netanyahu addressed the Knesset plenary on Wednesday and called on the Palestinian leadership to abandon preconditions to peace negotiations based on a two-state solution and appealed to Abu Mazen to “give peace a chance”.
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    35,000 Celebrate in New York's Israel Day Parade

    35,000 marchers, including New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Israel in New York and many others, were among the guests who walked down Fifth Avenue in New York City yesterday at the Celebrate Israel Parade.
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    This Sunday: Israel@65 Food and Music Festival

    Festival will include Israeli singers performing on two stages, Israeli Beer and Wine Garden, and cooking demonstrations by local chefs.
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    Israel hosts European Under-21 Soccer Championship

    Between June 5-18, 2013, Israel will host UEFA's European Under-21 Soccer Championship. National soccer teams from all over Europe will compete.
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    "Israel is Truly a Start-Up Nation"

    Israel's Minister of Economic Affairs to the U.S., Eli Groner spoke at the L.A. Jewish Communiry Foundation about the Israeli entrepreneurial spirit and its contribution to the state's economic development.
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    PM Netanyahu and Sen. Menendez Meet in Jerusalem

    Prime Minister Netanyahu met today (May 29) with Senator Menendez and thanked him for his efforts to support Israel against the Iranian nuclear threat.
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    Iran’s nuclear designs are a threat to Middle East

    Iran’s nuclear designs are a threat to Middle East

    "An Iran with military nuclear capabilities will dominate the Persian Gulf and its vast oil deposits... Iranian rulers must not only hear about the policy of all options on the table, they must fear it."
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    PM Netanyahu and Sec. Kerry Meet in Jeruslaem

    Netanyahu: "We’ll discuss Iran, we'll discuss the terrible carnage and instability in Syria, but above all, what we want to do is to restart the peace talks with the Palestinians."
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    PM Offers Condolences on the Oklahoma Tornado

    PM Netanyahu wrote to President Obama: "I offer our heartfelt condolences to you and to the people of the United States on the massive tornado that struck in Oklahoma and exacted such a horrific toll in human life."
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    Sec. Kerry to visit Israel This Week

    U.S. Sec. of State John Kerry will visit Israel in an effort to renew the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. Kerry will be joined by Amb. Oren on his visit.
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    Happy Shavuot!

    Shavuot is the last of the pilgrimage festivals, celebrated at the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat harvest. It also marks the ripening of the first fruits, including the seven species mentioned in the Bible.
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    Coexistence in Israel: Ulfat, Arab-Israeli Athlete

    ​Ulfat Khaider, an Arab-Israeli athlete and a project manager in a Jewish-Arab cultural center, uses extreme sports, mountain climbing and nature programs to install positive values in young Israelis.
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    Happy Jerusalem Day!

    On May 8, Israelis mark Jerusalem Day, celebrating the Israeli capital's reunification in 1967
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