PM Netanyahu: Give Peace a Chance

PM Netanyahu to Abu-Mazen: "Give Peace a Chance"


    Photo: GPO Archives

    ​PM Netanyahu addressed the Knesset plenary on Wednesday (June 5, 2013) and called on the Palestinian leadership to abandon preconditions to peace negotiations based on a two-state solution and appealed to Abu Mazen to “give peace a chance”.  

    “I call on Abu Mazen to put aside the preconditions and come to talk,” Netanyahu said. “Give peace a chance. Give peace a chance”.

    The Prime Minister emphasized his desire to make compromises with the Palestinians in order to lay the infrastructure for peace: “I am ready to make difficult decisions to advance peace...And we not only need to make difficult decisions, the Palestinians will also have to do so as well.  

    Netanyahu also stressed the willingness of the government to sit down anywhere, anytime and talk: “I invited him at the UN; I invited him in Washington; I invited him from the Knesset podium. Time after time after time, and here I am doing so again.”

    Read more: 

    > Press release of the Prime Minister's Office

    Time of Israel: Netanyahu to Abbas, in English: ‘Give peace a chance’​​

    Netanyahu to Abbas: ‘Give peace a chance’ 

    Embassy Poll​
