Kerry Visiting Israel

Sec. Kerry to visit Israel This Week

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    Sec. Kerry and PM Netanyahu's Meeting in Jerusalem in March 2013. Photo: GPO.

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Israel this week, in an effort to renew the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. Kerry will arrive in Israel on Thursday and will meet with Prime minister Netanyahu as well as with senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem. Ambassador Michael Oren will join Sec. Kerry on his visit. 

    Amb. Oren: "This week, I will join Secretary of State John Kerry on his next visit to Jerusalem as we continue to work to reanimate the peace process. We sincerely appreciate his efforts and welcome him, once again, to Israel."

    "Israel is committed to pursuing peace with our Palestinian neighbors. We call on President Abbas to return to direct negotiations, without preconditions and without delay. We look forward to a time when two nation states - the democratic, Jewish state of Israel and a Palestinian state - live side by side in security, mutual recognition, and peace.