Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Independence Day greetings

    President Peres: "I am pleased to invite you, our extended family, to join us on this day of festivity, as together we take pride in Israel’s achievements and prepare to build a brighter tomorrow for Israel and the Jewish people."
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    Israel celebrates 66 years of independence

    Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel's Wars and Israel Independence Day - May 2014
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    Israel Celebrates 66 Years of Independence

    Independence Day is a celebration of the renewal of the Jewish state in the Land of Israel, the birthplace of the Jewish people. On May 14, 1948, the day the British Mandate expired, the new Jewish state - the State of Israel - was formally established.
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    Israel at 66: A statistical glimpse

    Israel stands at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. Geographically, it belongs to the Asian continent. Its western border is the Mediterranean Sea.
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    Amb. Speech for Holocoasut Remembrance Day

    "The rebirth of the Jewish people also owes a deep great debt of gratitude to the United States of America...The force that has driven this rebirth has been the indomitable spirit of the Jewish people."
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    Amb. Speech for Holocoasut Remembrance Day

    "The rebirth of the Jewish people also owes a deep great debt of gratitude to the United States of America...The force that has driven this rebirth has been the indomitable spirit of the Jewish people."
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    Memorial Ceremony Honoring Fallen Service Members

    The ceremony honoring fallen service members and victims of terror will be held on May 4 in the presence Ambassador Ron Dermer and Defense Attache Major General Yaacob Ayish.
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    Amb. Dermer's Speech at the 2014 ADL Summit

    "Israel's capacity for self-defense has enabled us for 66 years to defy odds & build the remarkable country Israel has become today."
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    Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day

    The Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah in Hebrew) is a national day commemorating the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. This Year's theme will mark the realities of of Jews in Europe of 1944. Ceremonies will be held on April 27-28.
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    PM Netanyahu: Abbas has to choose: Peace or Hamas

    The Israeli Security Cabinet decided that Israel will not negotiate with a Palestinian government backed by Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for Israel's destruction. PM Netanyahu: Whoever chooses the terrorism of Hamas does not want peace."
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    Happy Passover from Ambassador Dermer

    "To the Jewish people, Passover is the story of our own national liberation. But that same story has inspired countless revolutions and movements across the world to expand liberty, including the American Revolution."
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    PM Netnayahu, Amb. Dermer on the Kansas Shootings

    Ambassador Dermer: "My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the Jewish community of Kansas."​
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    FM Liberman meets with US Secretary of State Kerry

    FM Liberman: “The question is whether the Palestinians too are sincere and have a genuine desire to achieve an agreement rather than play a game of blame.”
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    Happy Passover!

    Passover, the holiday of freedom, commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt, will be celebrated this year starting April 12.
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    FM Liberman to Visit the US

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs will meet in Washington with US Secretary of State John Kerry, and with high rankimg maembers of Congress. In New York, He will meet with NYC mayor and with Jewish Leaders
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