Happy Passover from Ambassador Dermer

Happy Passover from Ambassador Dermer

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    Ron Dermer Ron Dermer Copyright: Shahar Azran
    Photo: Shahar Azran
    ​This Passover, I have the privilege of representing Israel in the United States, which has been the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known. 

    To the Jewish people, Passover is the story of our own national liberation. But that same story has inspired countless revolutions and movements across the world to expand liberty, including the American Revolution and the American Civil Rights Movement.

    As Prime Minister Netanyahu works to secure the future of the one and only Jewish state in the face of great challenges, Jewish people across the world are privileged this Passover, as they have been for the past 65 years, to celebrate the rebirth of a free, sovereign Jewish people in our ancestral homeland. 

    Next Year in Jerusalem!

    Chag Sameach​