Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    President Rivlin addresses Jewish media summit in Jerusalem

    President Rivlin: “If you face anti-Semitism - it is the duty of the State of Israel to stand by you. And when we face anti-Zionism - which is also anti-Semitism - you have a duty to stand with us.”
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Uruguayan FM Nin Novoa

    PM Netanyahu thanked Uruguayan FM Nin Novoa for Uruguay's friendship and support for the State of Israel and its important role at the UN Security Council.
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    In honor of Jewish Refugees from Arab Land

    The Embassy of Israel held an event in recognition of Jewish refugees from Arab countries.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Guatemalan President Morales

    PM Netanyahu: Israel is your friend. We view Guatemala as our friend. This is a friendship that has also been expressed in international forums. And I think there is a larger picture and that is our interest in entering in a big way Latin America.
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    President Rivlin hosts official welcoming ceremony for President Morales of Guatemala

    President Rivlin: “The friendship between Israel and Guatemala is based on shared values, and is testament to how much can be achieved when together we are focused on building a better tomorrow.”
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    President Rivlin thanks Turkish President Erdoğan for firefighting assistance

    President Rivlin thanked President Erdoğan again for their conversation, and asked that he would do all in his power to assist in the return of the soldiers' bodies being held in Gaza, of Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin, for proper burial in Israel.
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    Cabinet holds special meeting in Haifa following the wave of fires

    I would like to thank the many governments who sent assistance. Against the mighty forces of nature, countries worked together and the principle that has guided me and the government was – better over-ability than the risk of under-ability.
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    PM Netanyahu thanks PA Chairman Abu Mazen for sending firefighters

    France’s decision on labeling products – Israel’s response

    It is regretful that France is advancing measures that can be interpreted as encouraging radical elements and the movement to boycott Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu condemns vandalism at reform synagogue in Ra'anana

    PM Netanyahu speaks with Russian President Vladimir Putin

    Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked Russian President Putin for the response and the assistance in extinguishing the brush fires.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference

    Israel is in the midst of a historic revolution in its place among the nations. That revolution is born about by a fundamental change of global economics, creating opportunities that produce security, prosperity and opportunity.
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    PM Netanyahu hosts Polish PM Szydlo and FM Waszczykowski at the Prime Minister’s Residence

    Prime Minister Netanyahu told his Polish counterpart that he was happy to meet her again and welcomed her to Jerusalem.
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    President Rivlin lays wreath in memory of the victims of the Mumbai attacks

    Like Israelis, Indians are sadly no strangers to the threat and the reality of modern global terrorism. Terror will never win. Our values of democracy and freedom are strong and we will defend them with all our might.
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    President Rivlin visits MASHAV agricultural Center of Excellence

    President Rivlin: MASHAV has been working for nearly 40 years, bringing people around the world to appreciate Israel and its abilities. MASHAV benefits all mankind and enhances Israel’s name, as Gandhi said: “God appears to the hungry as food.”
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