Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    I have decided to appoint Yaron Blum as coordinator for POWs and MIAs; he will coordinate our efforts to bring the boys back home. We understand our moral and humanitarian debt to do everything possible to bring them back.
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    Israel strongly condemns terrorist attack in Egypt

    There is no difference between the terrorism that strikes in Egypt and the terrorism that strikes in other countries. Terrorism will be defeated quicker if all countries are united in taking action against it.
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    President Rivlin meets with Bishop Lekganyana of South Africa

    President Rivlin: We can hear any kind of criticism, but the idea to boycott Israel, against the very idea that the people of Israel have a right to live in our homeland. This is something that we cannot accept.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses ceremony marking 50 years of settlement in the Jordan Valley

    Our eastern line of defense starts here in this place and if we were not here, Teheran and Hamastan would be; we will not allow this to happen.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses ceremony marking 100 Years since the death of NILI Heroine Sarah Aaronsohn

    I am pleased that President Trump's envoy, Jason Greenblatt, made it very clear that Hamas must be disarmed, Israel must be recognized and previous international decisions must be honored.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu

    The meeting mostly dealt with Iran's attempt to establish itself militarily in Syria. The issue of the Iranian nuclear agreement was also raised.
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    Security Cabinet decision

    The Government of Israel will not conduct diplomatic negotiations with a Palestinian government that relies on Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for the destruction of Israel, unless several conditions are fulfilled.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with Austrian Chancellor-Elect Sebastian Kurz

    PM Netanyahu congratulated Austrian Chancellor-elect Sebastian Kurz on his election victory and said that Austria has done much in recent years to preserve the memory of the Holocaust and in its fight against anti-Semitism.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    I commend US President Donald Trump for his important decision on Iran, which creates an opportunity to fix the nuclear agreement and stop Iran's increasing aggression in our region.
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    MFA statement on gubernatorial elections in Venezuela

    Israel calls for free, fair and credible elections with independent domestic and international observation in the gubernatorial elections in Venezuela.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the Christian Media Summit

    The issue of Iran is existential for us. And I think President Trump correctly identifies that Iran is not the solution but perhaps the problem in the Middle East. The source of so much aggression, so much terror and so much misery.
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    PM Netanyahu welcomes US President Trump’s decision regarding Iran

    PM Netanyahu: President Trump has just created an opportunity to fix this bad deal, to roll back Iran's aggression and to confront its criminal support of terrorism.
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    PM Netanyahu welcomes US Pres. Trump's decision to withdraw from UNESCO

    Prime Minister Netanyahu has instructed the Foreign Ministry to prepare Israel's withdrawal from UNESCO in parallel with the US.
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    PMO Statement on Palestinian Authority-Hamas reconciliation

    Any reconciliation between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas must include honoring international agreements, including the recognition of Israel and the disarmament of Hamas.
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    MFA Director-General Rotem speaks with the Egyptian ambassador to Israel

    Egypt is a staunch ally of Israel, and the peace between the two countries is both a strategic peace and a solid pillar of Israeli foreign policy.
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