PM Netanyahu addresses Jordan Valley ceremony 19 October 2017

PM Netanyahu addresses ceremony marking 50 years of settlement in the Jordan Valley

    Our eastern line of defense starts here in this place and if we were not here, Teheran and Hamastan would be; we will not allow this to happen.
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    PM Netanyahu with settlers at the ceremony PM Netanyahu with settlers at the ceremony Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks this evening (Thursday, 19 October 2017), at a ceremony to mark 50 years of settlement in the Jordan Valley:
    "Our eastern line of defense starts here in this place and if we were not here, Teheran and Hamastan would be; we will not allow this to happen. We see what is happening a short distance north of here when they take up a position, or try to, over the border. We have a clear policy: Whoever tries to hurt us, we will hurt them. We will not tolerate trickles and if they attack us, we return fire, and this does not take a lot of time."