Netanyahu on peace conference in Warsaw

Netanyahu on peace conference in Warsaw

  • GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​During the weekly cabinet meeting, PM Netanyahu announced his participation in the upcoming peace and security conference in Warsaw. 

    The "Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East," held jointly by Poland and the United States, will take place in Warsaw, Poland on February 13-14. This Ministerial will be an opportunity for countries to share their perspectives both from within and outside the region. This includes a conversation on current regional crises as well as international efforts to address them, as was announced by the Polish Foreign Ministry

    PM Netanyahu's remarked at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting:

    "This week I will leave for the peace and security conference in Warsaw. I will meet there with US Vice President Mike Pence, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and additional leaders.

     The first issue on the agenda is Iran – how to continue preventing it from entrenching in Syria, how to thwart its aggression in the region and, above all, how to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons."
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