Shalom Africa

Shalom Africa : Israel's Second Coming

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     Copyright: The African Report Magazine - No. 44 October 2012



    Brand new embassies, booming trade in agriculture, precious stones and information technology together with shadowy security deals: Israel is back in Africa. But this time tycoons and generals are leading the charge.
    From the besieged migrant workers in shanty-towns around the central bus station in Tel Aviv to the chauffeur-driven African diplomats threading through the traffic of Yitzhak Rabin Boulevard to the ministry of foreign affairs in Jerusalem, the message is clear. The Africa-Israel axis is back in business.
    More than 40 African countries have full diplomatic relations with Israel, and that is more than before the rupture in response to the Six-Day War in 1967. Trade is growing rapidly – much faster than official data records – and new security arrangements are being set up in the shadows.... 
    Click here to dowload and read the full article
    (The African Report Magazine. Issue No. 44, October 2012 - International Edition​)