Israel condemns attacks on US diplomatic missions

Israel condemns attacks on US diplomatic missions

  •   FM Liberman condemns attacks on US diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt

    The US, which is the leader of the free world, has long stood in the firing line of radical Islamist terrorism.

    FM Liberman condemns attacks on US diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister’s Media Advisor)
    Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman condemns the attacks on the US diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and stated that these are evil terrorist attacks aimed against the West and the entire democratic world.
    According to the Foreign Minister, the US, which is the leader of the free world, has long stood in the firing line of radical Islamist terrorism. The fact that these attacks took place exactly 11 years to the 9/11 attacks proves that this is a long and difficult battle against those who believe in sowing death and destruction, and only their excuse changes every time. The rioters who attacked the American diplomatic missions are people who want to impose their views and beliefs at any price, and for them the ideals of freedom of speech and freedom of conscience are concepts that are to be removed from this world together will all Western culture.
    The State of Israel shares in the grief of the American people on the tragic deaths of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and the other embassy staff. FM Liberman added that Israel stands by the United States in the fight for the free world and against terrorism.
    PM Netanyahu on events in Libya
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Wednesday, September 2012), made the following remarks about events in Libya:
    "Today we were informed of the tragic murder of the American Ambassador in Libya and the murder of three consulate workers in the American consulate in Benghazi. The people of Israel grieve with the American people; we send our condolences to the families. If there's any people in the world that understands what Americans are going through, what they went through in 9/11, it's the people of Israel, who've been standing at the forefront of the battle against terrorism, who've lost loved ones and who deeply, deeply sympathize with the people of America at this time."
    President Peres sends letter of condolence to President Obama
    Dear Mr. President,
    I was deeply shocked by the sad news of today's brutal attack on the American embassy in Benghazi. The loss of four American lives, among them Ambassador Christopher Stevens, is a pain which is shared by your friends around the world.
    By upholding America's values of freedom and democracy, Ambasador Stevens and his team have brought honor to the cause which they served until the very last moment. This admirable dedication only strengthens Israel's esteem for America's enduring commitment to spreading peace and security around the world.
    On behalf of the people of Israel and myself, I extend to Your Excellency, the families of the victims, and the people of the United States of America, our heartfelt condolences.
    Please accept the expression of my profound sympathy in this difficult hour, as well as the assurances of my highest consideration.
    Shimon Peres