Happy Sukkot!

Happy Sukkot!

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    Happy Sukkot! Happy Sukkot!
    ​Weekly News Digest – September 20, 2021.

    1. Meeting with Country Director of UN World Food Programme in Kenya.
    Deputy Ambassador H.E. Dvora Dorsman had meeting with Representative and Country Director of UN World Food Programme in Kenya Lauren Landis. Discussions centered on strengthening food systems through training and capacity building by MASHAV.
    2. A LIVE 12-hours marathon. 
    On September 14th, Israel marked the one year anniversary of the Abraham accords, a milestone for peace in the region, and hosted a one-of-a-kind event to celebrate!
    Spokesperson of Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lior Haiat & special guests held a LIVE 12-hours marathon of back-to-back interviews "Talking Peace" from six continents & 100 plus countries!
    3. Blood donation beds to Kenyatta National Hospital.
    Kenyatta National Hospital has received blood donation beds from the Embassy of Israel. The donation was handed over to KNH Board Chair Mr. George Ooko by the Embassy’s Charge de Affairs Mrs. Dvora Yarkon Dorsman. Mrs. Dorsman was flanked by Mr. Royi Ende – Head of Consul and Administration.
    Also visited cancer children's Ward to spend some time with them. Israel & Kenyatta National Hospital will continue with their collaboration and friendship.
    4. A training for Malawi`s smallholder farmers.
    The job has began. Following the partnership of Charis Invest & Consult founded by Chifuniro Kandaya​ & MASHAV smallholder farmers receive training in modern farming techniques-irrigation system and profitable value chains. Great progress!
    5. Yom Kippur.
    On September 16th, Israel marked Yom Kippur - 25 hours of a great fast. On the eve of this day all Jews wish each other: May you be inscribed in the Book of Life (Gmar Chatima Tova)! Peace, health and love to all of you!
    6. Israel and Jewish Diaspora Celebrate Sukkot.
    Today, September 20th, is eve of the Jewish holiday Sukkot - the Festival of Shelters or known also as the Feast of Ingathering. It is based on the story of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. During his wanderings in the Sinai desert, God surrounded the believers with "clouds of glory", thereby hiding people from the scorching sun. In nowadays during the days of Sukkot, Jews spend time in temporary structures covered with branches, called Sukkah, in which they celebrate and glorify the Lord all seven days of the holiday in memory of the Jews' wandering in the Sinai desert.
    Happy Sukkot! Goodness and peace to you and your families!