Excursion in Limuru

Embassy Staff Excursion

  •   Excursion to the Beautiful Tea Farms in Limuru
    As part of the Embassy staff's efforts to get acquainted with the local Kenyan culture and environment, H.E. the Ambassador of Israel, Gil Haskel, led all Embassy Staff to an Excursion in the heart of Limuru, at the beautiful tea farms.

    Part of the Embassy Staff in the Bus
    The Embassy staff visited Maramba Tea Factory, where we went through the stages of tea processing, right from harvesting to grading, and selling of the Tea.

    Embassy Staff at the Tea Farm in the Factory
    We then ventured into the indigenous forest, which houses Kiambethu Farm; a sight to behold.
    Here we listened keenly to the story of Tea as told to us by the proprietor of the Farm, the modest Fiona, in a room endowed with artefacts and beautiful antiques by the fireplace.

    Embassy Staff listen keenly to Fiona (left, standing) as she tells the story of tea

    Fiona explains more on tea seedlings
    An anticipated tour of the indigenous forest led by the forest guide, Mr. Kimani, was not only informative but also humorous.
    Keen attention is given to Mr. Kimani (not in the picture)
    We then settled for the much needed three course lunch meal, complete with hot starter soup, main course and dessert, all produced in the farm.
    Finally, it was time to bid farewell to Doron and his lovely wife Efrat, who will be completing their tenure in the Embassy here in Nairobi and headed for the Philippines, their next assignment…We will truly miss your great company…
    It was time to head back to the Embassy, after having been there…done that!
    H.E G. Haskel and Elizabeth learn the art of picking tea