Celebration of 50 years of Kenya - Israel relations

Marking 50 years of Kenya - Israel relations

  •   Kenya and Israel Mark 50 Years of Bilateral Relations
    As Kenya celebrates her year of Jubilee in 2013, the Republic of Kenya and the State of Israel too is marking 50 years of Kenya-Israel relations.
    On Tuesday, January 15th, 2013, H.E. Gil Haskel held a press conference to launch the jubilee celebrations which have bound the two nations together. The event was held at the Serena Hotel.
    Israel and Kenya share historical ties, with Israel being amongst the first countries to recognize Kenya as an independent republic and to establish diplomatic relations with it. Israel was also one of the first countries to open a diplomatic mission in Nairobi in 1963.  

    Photos at display in the exhibition
    During the press conference, Israeli Ambassador Haskel, briefed members of the press on milestone events in the two nation's relations, events such as Kenya's pivotal role in the Israeli Defence Forces infamous 1976 Entebbe raid and Israel's rescue mission to Kenya following the 1998 U.S. Embassy car bomb attack in Nairobi.
    The Ambassador also gave a brief on key collaborations which have been established over the years in many spheres: in the aquaculture sector, in the education sector, agriculture & horticulture, security, and health, and much more.

    Israeli Ambassador H.E Gil Haskel (Right) and his Deputy Yaki Lopez take  journalists through the exhibition
    The Ambassador also unveiled the official logo of the jubilee celebrations of Kenya-Israel relations and discussed some of the events planned throughout 2013 to commemorate this historic year.