A virtual Passover pilgrimage to Jerusalem's Old City

A virtual Passover pilgrimage to Jerusalem

  •   Passover, one of Judaism's three pilgrimage festivals, commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt.
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    Elijah the Prophet Synagogue, the Old City of Jerusalem Elijah the Prophet Synagogue, the Old City of Jerusalem
    Elijah the Prophet Synagogue, the Old City of Jerusalem
    Throughout the holiday, and especially at the festive Seder dinner, Jews around the world relive the experiences of their ancestors, passing on their traditions to the next generation.
    For thousands of years, every Seder has ended with the prayer "Next year in Jerusalem," expressing the eternal tie between the Jewish people and their capital, the holy city of Jerusalem. This is the perfect time to take a virtual stroll through Jewish sites in Jerusalem's Old City.
    This year (2014), the seven-day holiday is celebrated from sundown on Monday, April 15th until nightfall on Monday, April 21nd. (Outside Israel, the holiday is observed for eight days).