Treaties & Agreements

Treaties & Agreements

  •   Bilateral Agreements
    Agreements signed between ISRAEL & QUEBEC
     - Cooperation agreement between the governments of Quebec & Israel. (See below) 
     - Agreement between the governments of Quebec & Israel concerning Economic and Technological cooperation. (See below) 

     - FTA Free Trade Agreement between Israel and Canada 
     - CIIRDF The Canada Israel Industrial Research and Development Foundation

    September 22, 2008

    The Consulate General of Israel announced the signing of an agreement on economic and technological cooperation between the Governments of Israel and Quebec on September 22, 2008 in Jerusalem. 

    The agreement was signed by (then) Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade & Labour, Eliyahu Yishai, and (then) Quebec Minister for Economic Development, Innovation & Export Trade, Raymond Bachand during a visit to Israel by a large business delegation from Quebec. 

    The agreement promotes trade, investment initiatives and joint-ventures in life sciences, aerospace and telecom. It follows a bilateral cooperation agreement signed in Quebec in 2007 in areas culture, education and science & technology. 

    Minister Bachand's words: “creativity, audacity and competence, Quebec has the capacity to succeed in Israel,” mirror the sentiments of (then) Premier Jean Charest who praised Israel’s ingenuity and innovative spirit on the 60th anniversary Israel's independence. 

    “Signing of this agreement is another affirmation of our mutual desire to strengthen the existing synergy and bilateral relations between Israel and Quebec in areas such as hi-tech, science and development. This will lead to increased joint-ventures and investments between our societies,” said Yoram Elron, Consul General of Israel to Quebec. 

    Official website of the Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade Ministry

    December 11, 2007

    The Consulate General of Israel in Montreal announced the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the Governments of Israel and Quebec. 

    The (then) Minister of International Relations & La Francophonie for Quebec, Monique Gagnon-Tremblay, and (then) Consul General of Israel, Yoram Elron, signed the agreement on December 11, 2007 at the National Assembly in Quebec City. 

    This agreement marks another chapter in the warm bilateral relations between Quebec and Israel. The Consul General of Israel, expressed confidence this agreement will be fruitful for both signatories, and result in joint-venture opportunities and increased cooperation in the fields of science, medicine, technology and education.