Visa Information

Visa Information

    • Information on this website is general and does not supersede provisions of the laws of the State of Israel. 
    • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reserves the right to modify procedures. 
    • In any case of discrepancy, the provisions of Israeli law and/or local law and/or procedures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs take precedence over information on this website.

    The Minister of the Interior of the State of Israel is in charge of implementing the laws of the State which specify the conditions for entering Israel (the Law of Return, 5710 - 1950, and the Entry into Israel Law, 5712-1952). 
    The power to implement these laws abroad was delegated to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Official Announcements Gazette 255 of October 16, 1952) and to Israel's representatives abroad (Official Announcements Gazette 2465 of October 7, 1978). 

    Israel has visa exemption agreements with many countries. Before going to the mission, check whether you need to obtain a visa to visit Israel (click here to download the list of countries with which Israel has visa exemption agreements). An exemption applies only to visas for visits and to passports (not to laissez passer).

    Note: Documents must be sent to Israeli missions via registered mail. Payment by bank draft is acceptable; payment by personal check is not.

    Types of visas and the application process for obtaining them:

  • A/2 Student Visa

    ​This visa can be granted to those who want to study in Israel in elementary and high schools, academic institutions, yeshivot and youth institutions of the Jewish Agency. The visa is valid for up to one year and for multiple entrances and exits. Recipients of this visa are not permitted to work in Israel.

    Please note: A minor will not be given a visa without the written consent of both parents or his legal guardian.

    To apply to this visa, please provide the following documents:

    • Completed and signed application for a visa to enter Israel (click here to download the Application for a Visa to Enter Israel)
    • Passport (must be valid beyond one year from the date of intended visit)
    • Two passport pictures
    • Original letter of acceptance for study at a recognized educational institution in Israel
    • Statement from bank showing that you have the funds to support the stay in Israel while you are a student
    • Printed round-trip airline tickets and payment for school program
    • Payment of the fee: 65.00 CAD
  • B/2 Visitor's Visa

    A B/2 visa can be granted to someone who wishes to stay in Israel for only a short time (for a visit, tourism, a business meeting or study in a Hebrew ulpan). A person who enters Israel on a B/2 visa is not allowed to work in the State of Israel.
    A B/2 visa is valid for up to three months from the date of issue. The duration of the stay in Israel will be determined by the Border Police. A visitor who wishes to extend his visit may submit an application at one of the regional population administration offices of the Ministry of the Interior.
    The process to be handled at the mission:
    • A completed and signed application for a visa to enter Israel (click here to download the Application for a Visa to Enter Israel​).
    • Itinerary including printed round-trip airline tickets​, and hotel reservation information or address of where you will be staying.
    • Passport (must be valid for at least six months beyond the period of the stay in Israel)​ or travel document (must be valid for at least one year beyond the period of the stay in Israel).
    • Two passport pictures.
    • ​​Health Insurance.
    • Letter from Employer.
    • Valid re-entry visa to Canada OR original permanent residency​.
    • Payment of the fee: 33.00 CAD.

    • The consul may request additional documents.
    • Since the fee is collected for handling the application, it will not be refunded to the applicant if the visa is not issued for any reason.​
  • Official Government Visas


    ​ An official visa is granted to persons who hold an official government passport and/or will be entering Israel on an official government mission.


    • Completed and signed application for an official visa to enter Israel (download the application above)
    • Official Service Passport
    • Two passport pictures
    • Official government letter

      Please note the process time for an official visa is two weeks.