Israel - Canada

Israel - Canada

  •   75 Years of Diplomatic Relations
    Israel and Canada have nurtured a friendship and partnership based on shared values since Canada voted in favour of establiushing a Jewish state at the United Nations on November 29, 1947. 

    From Ben Gurion’s first visit to Canada as Prime Minister in 1961 to the first visit of a Canadian Governor General to Israel by David Johnston in 2016, to meetings and conversations between Prime Ministers Netanyahu and Trudeau, there is a real warmth and affinity shared between our countries. 

    In May 2018, Canada and Israel signed, expanded, and modernized the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA). We also established an industrial research and development foundation (CIIRDF) to financially support scientific research cooperation between companies of both countries. 

    Canada and Israel have strong ties through cultural and academic exchange, business and technology, science and innovation, as well as research and development. Whether it is green energy or water conservation, cyber security or nanotechnology, Canada and Israel are making advancements together in fields that define the 21st century. 

    Through trilateral partnerships Israel’s International Development & Aid Agency, MASHAV,  and Canada's International Development Agency, CIDA, cooperate to bring economic and social progress in developing countries. 

    ​​Israel and Canada have long stood as partners on the world stage. Political, economic, academic, cultural and security ties reflect our mutual interests. Our friendship is rooted in the shared values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.