TX Gov. Abbott in Israel

Texas Gov. Abbott in Israel

  •   Texas Gov. Abbott in Israel
    Governor Greg Abbott is leading a business development mission to Israel Jan. 18 and Jan. 19. Consul General Eitan Levon will be in Israel with Gov. Abbott. 

    “Israel appreciates the close relationship that Governor Greg Abbott has nurtured, both economically and politically. We look forward to many more collaborations, especially in the areas of water, energy and technology,” said Consul General Eitan Levon, Consulate General of Israel to the Southwest United States.​

    Abbott  met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss Texas and Israel's historic bond and how he can further solidify their relationship. During the meeting, Governor Abbott informed Prime Minister Netanyahu that Texas will maintain its Iran divestiture policy. Further, the Governor announced that he would seek new laws to strengthen Texas' prohibitions on the investment of public funds in Iran.

    Abbott and First Lady Cecilia Abbott today visited several historical sites while on their trip to Israel. The Governor and the First Lady visited the Israeli Holocaust Museum, Yad Vashem, and laid a wreath in honor of the victims of the Holocaust. Yad Vashem was established in 1953, and is the world center for documentation, research, education and commemoration of the Holocaust. Following their visit to Yad Vashem, the Governor and First Lady visited King David's tomb and the Western Wall, which is the last remnant of Second Temple of Jerusalem that has remained intact since its destruction in 70 AD.

    Also during the trip, the Governor also toured businesses, hold meetings with public officials and business executives in both countries, and participate at the World Economic Forum in Davos. 

    The trip will be sponsored and paid for by TexasOne, the state’s Economic Development Corporation.

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