Statement by Gov. Perry on Death of Sean Carmeli

Statement by Gov. Perry on Death of Sean Carmeli

  • Texas Gov. Rick Perry's Statement

    Texas Gov. Rick Perry issued the following statement following the death of Sean Carmeli, a Texan serving in the Israeli army.
    "On behalf of all Texans, I'd like to express to the Carmeli family our deepest condolences on the loss of Sean, who died valiantly fighting terrorism in defense of Israel. Like many other ‘Lone Soldiers,' Sean was American, but also a part of the extended Israeli family, and a passionate believer in Israel's inherent right to defend itself against terrorist aggression. Anita and I will keep his family in our thoughts and prayers."
  • Sean Carmeli Advisory

    A Texas man has been reported among the causalities in Operation Protective Shield. Sean Carmeli of South Padre, Texas was killed July 20 in combat in the Gaza Strip. He is among 13 soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces’ Golani Brigade who were killed on July 20 as part of Operation Protective Edge.