Israeli Quilts in Houston

Quilts from Israel Quilters Association

  •   The Many Faces of Jerusalem exhibit: Quilts from Israel Quilters Association
    The Consulate General of Israel to the Southwest facilitated in bringing an Israel Quilters Association exhibit to Houston.

    The Association invited artists to enter a quilt in an exhibit to celebrate its 20th anniversary. The Association chose Jerusalem for its international, multicultural character. These quilts express their ideas, hopes, memories, and dreams of Jerusalem. The result is a multicolored and multicultural feast for the eyes - the textiles of dreams. 

    The exhibit will be in the ERJCC in Houston through May 20, 2015.

    The Deuster Art Gallery is open to the public Monday – Thursday | 10:00 AM–10:00 PM and Friday & Sunday | 9:00 AM–5:00 PM. More details can be found at
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