
Harvard  Opens Global Research Center in Israel

  •   Harvard  Opens Global Research Center in Israel
    For more than 15 years Harvard Business School (HBS) has sought to deepen faculty research and understanding of established and emerging business practices in selected regions of the world as a key element of its global strategy. Since 1999, HBS has launched nine Global Research Centers to help faculty gain access to companies and the most interesting management opportunities abroad.
    The newest of these offices will be opening in Tel Aviv, Israel  in January 2016. The two-year pilot will be led by Professor Eli Ofek while working closely with Allison Ciechanover, the Director of the California Research Center. According to HBS, there are strong synergies between the regions’ shared emphasis on technology and entrepreneurship.
    We look forward to all that will come from this beneficial partnership.
    Source: https://medium.com/@IsraelinBoston/harvard-business-school-opens-global-research-center-in-tel-aviv-israel-f9bbc948af9b#.i5ptcm7tc