Israeli puppet to Festival

2 Israeli puppet groups join Puppet Festival

  •   2 Israeli puppet groups join 3rd International Puppet Festival in Hanoi
    The competitors include Key Theatre and Far Theatre (Israel), Art Troupes (Cambodia), Guangdong Province Puppet Art Theatre (China), National Puppet Theatre of the Philippines, Wayang Golex Ajen (Indonesia), Shan Puppet Theatre (Taiwan), Hunchangforn Puppet Group (Thailand), Cairo Puppet Theatre (Egypt), Kuka Istanbul (Turkey), the Delegation of Laos (Laos), national puppet theatre of Vietnam, Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre, Ha Tinh Dance and Art Theatre, Dak Lak. Puppet Group(Viet Nam)
    The opening ceremony took place .on 4/9 at the Opera House, Hanoi.  After opening ceremony, all groups will perform 30 - 40 minute art work under all kinds of puppetry in front of  the jury board consisting of 5 international and Vietnam prestige puppetry specialists. The free shows will be open for public audience at Hong Ha Theatre, Puppet Theatre of Vietnam and Ho Tay Water Park.
    International Puppet Festival is held to promote international cooperation in the field of art and culture between Vietnam and other countries, being a good chance for Vietnam to introduce its unique puppetry techniques to international friends. This is also an opportunity for puppetry artists, directors and specialists to exchange and learn advanced  technical skills and settings of other countries./