First Israeli Book day held in Hanoi

The first Israeli Book day held in Hanoi

  •   The first Israeli Book day held in Hanoi
    ​In recent years, Israel and Israeli are trendy words for readers in Vietnam. Publishers have launched series of books about Israel with a variety of topics ranging from history, economics, culture to education. Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle by Dan Senor and Saul Singer, Ben-Gurion: A Biography
    by Michael Bar-Zohar, Let There Be Water by Seth M. Siegel, Jewish story by Vietnamese author Dang Hoang Xa have been bestsellers.  
    On July 16th, as an effort to continue enhancing cooperation and mutual understanding between the two countries of Israel and Vietnam, Israeli book day was organized. 
    The day started with the Opening Ceremony at Hanoi Book Fair with the participation of the Ministry of Information and Communications. Here launched a program on giving Let There Be Water, a book on how Israel manages its limited water resources to Departments of Natural Resources and the Environment.  
    The focal point is the official launching of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari at the Women's Museum of Vietnam. Guest speakers were Mr. 
    Doron Lebovich, Deputy Chief of Mission and Associate Professor Mr. Dinh Ngoc Bao, former vice president of Hanoi Teachers' Training College and . This is not a book about the Jewish people, but the author of this book is Israeli historian. 
    This influential book received applauses and also controversy. It is recommended by Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and  Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Faceb​ook.