Eran Katz visits Vietnam

Eran Katz Meeting With Vietnamese Audiences

  •   Eran Katz Meeting With Vietnamese Audiences
    ​The Israeli best-selling author, entertaining speaker and seminar leader on memory and intelligence, Eran Katz travelled to Vietnam to hold talks with audiences in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Vinh Phuc Northern Province from March 28 to 31.

    Eran Katz shared with Vietnamese audiences his knowledge and experiences about brain power, memory stunts and the secret of Jewish Noble prize winners.

    He also focused on how to remember names and faces by using the Napoleon method, the JFK technique and the Angel’s face system, and hoe the remarkable system of Gematria boost the ability to recall dates, events, financial data and long digit numbers.

    Eran Katz is the best-selling international author of “Secrets of a Super Memory”, “Jerome Becomes a Genius”, “Where did Noah Park the Ark” and “Five Gifts for the Mind”.

    He is also the Israeli Guinness Book of Records Holder for Best Memory Stunt where he recited 500 numbers forward and backwards after hearing them only once. This is the third visit of memory master Eran Katz to Vietnam.