
Protocol on governmental joint committee

  •   Protocol on governmental joint committee
    In the afternoon of 25/04/2013 at Ministry of Science and Technology (MST), Mr. Nguyen Quan, Minister of MST and Mrs. Meirav Eilon Shahar, Ambassador of Israel to Vietnam, has officially signed the Protocol on establishing the governmental joint Committee on economic, scientific and technological cooperation and other relevant fields.

    According to the protocol, the two parties will establish a governmental joint committee composing representatives of relevant ministries and agencies of Vietnam and Israel, co-chaired by Ministry of Science and Technology (Vietnam) and Ministry of Economy (Israel). The objectives of the Committee is to promote bilateral relations and cooperation, in particular trade, investment, finance and banking; science and technology, energy, agriculture and rural development, training, tourism, transport and culture and information, which are to be achieved through the implementation of agreed projects or programs to be undertaken by the two countries individually or jointly.
    Such kind of protocol is at the highest level governmental cooperation and marks a new height in Vietnam-Israel relationship, particularly on the occasion of 20th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries