Israeli volunteers brighten Sa Pa

Israeli volunteers brighten Sa Pa


    In November 2019, young volunteers of Heroes for Life from Israel came to Sa Pa, the resort town in northern Vietnam, to do teaching and fixing 3 local schools.

    Ban Khoang elementary school, Sa Pa town elementary school, and Le Van Tam elementary school welcomed the help of Israeli volunteers. Sa Pa records the most number of registration from volunteers from Israel of Heroes for Life.

    The volunteers taught English language and subjects like history, geography in English. Israeli teachers also led extra curriculum activities, which helped connect the children after lessons.

    The volunteers also carried out wall painting of buildings and decorating the classes.

    Heroes for Life is a volunteer organization consisting of discharged Israeli soldiers. They hope to bring in togertheness and love by doing charity in developing countries. Every year, they return to the same spot they did last time to create bonds with local community.

    In 2020, Heroes for Life will be back in Sa Pa and will expand volunteer works to new places around the world.