Israeli policies and services on ageing

Israeli Prof shares policies & services on ageing







    On 25-26 September 2013, Ministry of Health in coordination with UNFPA organized  "Workshop to exchange international experience responding to Ageing". According to data of 2010, life expectancy in Vietnam is at age 73. This is considered important achievements of Vietnam. This brings both opportunities and challenges, Vietnam requires adaptation of policies and programs in order to address the challenge of ageing population . The conference shared experiences from other developed countries and discuss related issues.
    Professor Ariela Loweinstein, President of Yezreel Max Stern College from Israel, shared in this workshop Israel's experiences of service and policies for the elderly. The life expectancy in Israel reached the age of 79.6 for men and 83.8 for women. Israel has different policies to encourage older people to continue their work and contribute to society so that they will continue to be active and healthy. In parallel, Israel has built a caring mechanism for elderly in the model of " warm house " and "supportive neighborhood ". Israel also has intensive policies and social welfare for elderly such as the universal health insurance , elderly insurance, insurance for disabled people and counseling centers for the elderly .
    During her stay in Hanoi, Prof. Ariela accompanied by Ambassador Meirav Eilon Shahar  met with General Department of Population and Family Planning of Vietnam to discuss the cooperation on  capacity building and professional training in the field of ageing as well as joint-research.
