Israeli futuristic water and agro technologies on display

Israeli futuristic technologies on display

  •   Israeli futuristic water and agro technologies on display
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     copyright: © Pham Thanh Long
    Vertical rice wall and water purifier are futuristic technologies brought to Hanoi on the 25th anniversary of Israel and Vietnam diplomatic relations.
    The event, held on 27 October in the capital’s Ly Thai To square, introduced 100 square meter Vertical rice wall, which combines the deployment of soil-based technology for water conservation and plant nutrition.
    The technology might change the face of city landscaping forever, and will boost crop growing capabilities within cities all over the world. The system enables growing almost any plant or crop, and enables readily harvesting fresh produce at your fingertips
    The event also showcased Watergen, a cutting-edge and patented Israeli technology provides a low-cost, abundant, and renewable source of fresh and clean drinking water by extracting it directly from the atmosphere. For the first time, generating water from the air is a true economic reality, and commercially available for everyone.
    During the anniversary, the Ambassador of the State of Israel to Vietnam Nadav Eshcar said, “We celebrate our great friendship with the Vietnamese people by displaying unique and cutting edge technologies in the center of Hanoi, as they represent the ties between our two nations. And most of all, it is all about Innovation, Creativity and Vision, cooperation in education, advanced technology, agriculture and science. I strongly believe that there is an enormous potential to our relations with Vietnam. Together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.”
    At the event, Israeli artists performed Israeli music and folk dances.