Independence Day

Israel celebrates 67th Independence Day

  •   Israel celebrates 67th Independence Day
    23rd April, 2015 is Israel's Independence Day, and to celebrate the occasion, Ambassador of State of Israel in Vietnam _ Ms. Meirav Eilon Shahar talks about the strong bilateral relationship between 2 countries since 1993.
    Israel is a small country with a blending of ancient and modern values. Out of the difficulties and challenges of a barren land with no natural resources, our founders successfully transformed an arid desert into a green and viable agricultural region, on which Israel's economy was initially built. Since then great accomplishments have emanated. 
    Israel and Vietnam enjoy strong partnership as both countries have shared the same principles and challenges from the history to modern time.
    A key component of the relationship, and one of which I am personally very proud, is our strong co-operation in economy. In July 2014, Vietnam - Israel desk under Israel - Asia Chamber of commerce was established to promote business between Israel and Vietnam. Last year Vietnam and Israel carried out the first session of the Inter-governmental Commission on Economic – Science and Technical Cooperation. We are now in the final step of concluding the feasibility study that we hope will lead soon to a Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam. All together, these agreements form a stronger foundation for our mutual trade and business exchange.
    Our friendship with Viet Nam continues to strengthen and we remain committed to our programme of development co-operation. The past year has seen an intensification of our relations at high level, with an ever higher number of ministerial visits. These included visits by Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang and Minister of Science and Technology Nguyen Quan to Israel. From our side, a senior delegation of Israeli Ministry of Public Security led by Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch paid an official visit to Vietnam in February 2014.
    As a "Start Up Nation" with advantage comes from high investment in R&D, both government and private sector, and most importantly the concentration of exceptional hi-tech startup companies. Last year the Embassy of Israel in Vietnam brought Israeli innovation spirit to Vietnam by organizing a startup competition to build a network among young Vietnamese and Israeli entrepreneurs. A continuation of the competition, Start Tel Aviv 2015, is now happening once again in Vietnam and we would like to invite young Vietnamese entrepreneurs and innovators to participate.
    A special mention must go to the culture as an integrate part of both Vietnamese and Israeli. Numerous Israel films and a numbers of Israeli books have been translated into Vietnamese.  In another form of art, dance has been regarded as an expression of joy and sorrow since biblical times in the communal and religious life of the Jewish people. The Embassy of Israel in Vietnam has introduced several Israeli professional dancers exposing Israeli diversified culture.
    To celebrate Israel's Independence Day (1948-2015), The Embassy of Israel in Vietnam will organize a series of culture events. Especially, two talented Israeli DJs performed in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh reflecting the spirit of creativity of Israeli. In HCM, the celebration took place at Glow SkyBar ( District 1) on 18th April, 2015.
     I would like to wish everyone in Vietnam good health and prosperity on the occasion of Israel’s Independence Day – as we say in the Hebrew language "Yom Hatzmaut Sameach".
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    Israel celebrates 67 years of independence Israel celebrates 67 years of independence