Israeli Embassy supports the needy in Hanoi

Israeli Embassy supports the needy in Hanoi

    The Embassy of Israel in Vietnam donated food to 500 households in needs in Hanoi’s My Duc district, with the cooperation of the Communist Youth Union on 15 Septemeber 2022. At the district’s Party office, Israeli Ambassador Nadav Eshcar handed over food packages worthy of 100 million dong to the disadvantaged families of My Duc who are worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    500 households of My Duc come from different backgrounds, including poverty-stricken, losing employment during the pandemic, the orphans, or the illness. Each package consisting of rice, noodles, cooking-oil, eggs, milk, spices and more should help ease the strain of those who may have encountered food supply troubles in the outskirt district. The program is hoped to be an encouraging support from the people of Israel to the people of Vietnam thanks to the countries’ friendship and empathy during the global health situation.

    Ambassador Nadav Eshcar said, "We try to do as we can, to ease burden of these difficult time to our Vietnamese friends. I believe that Vietnam will overcome this crisis soon, as it overcame every hardship in the past."

    This is the second time the Israeli Embassy in Hanoi delivered a food donation program to the local community in COVID-19 times. In April 2020, the embassy handed out 1 ton of rice for residents of Cau Giay district during the first social distancing of the capital. In a similar goodwill, the embassy presented 10 Israeli-made ventilators and medical equipment such as oxygen generators, N95 masks, filters to Vietnamese health administrators in a recent ceremony on 10 September 2021.

    The Embassy of Israel is committed to standing by and supporting Vietnamese local communities whom Israel shares concern over livelihood challenges.