
First Medical Clown ever visits Vietnam

  •   First Medical Clown ever visits Vietnam
    Under the coordination and support of the Embassy of Israel in Vietnam, during the last week of November and first week of December, David Barashi –  a medial clown will have a working visit to the  National Pediatric Hospital (Hanoi), Pediatric Hospital  2 ( HCMC), Institute of hematology and blood transfusion in Hanoi and HCMC and Heart Disease Center- E Hospital.
    Medical clowning, which combines theater performance with drama therapy and elements of nursing, has grown in popularity in recent years to become a worldwide phenomenon. However, medial clown is still a new concept in developing countries, and this is the first time Vietnam will experience this psychological therapy.
    For nearly 10 years, David has voluntarily taken care of thousands of victims of natural disasters, conflicts and diseases in many countries around the world such as Haiti, India, Ethiopia, etc. He is also one of the organizers of  many training courses in the United States, Bulgaria, France, Thailand, etc.
    In 4 days from 25/11 to 28/11/2013 in National Pediatric Hospital (Hanoi), David will conduct a training course on medical clowning skills for about 25 medical team members of the hospital and art performers of LifeArt center. Besides providing trainees with basic theory, the training will focus on practical skills i.e. the participants will apply practical medical clowning techniques to treat different kinds of patients in the hospital. On 29/11/2013, together with the Embassy of Israel, David will pay a visit and perform at the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion and Heart Disease Center- E Hospital
    In HCMC, from 2/12 to 5/12/2013, a similar course will be conducted at Children's Hospital 2 with the participation of hospital's team members and students of HCMC Academy of Theatre and Cinema. On 6/12/2013, David will continue his volunteer mission at HCMC Institute of hematology and blood transfusion. This activity is a part of ongoing medical collaboration between Israel and Vietnam. A week ago, 2 leading doctors from Israel participated in surgeries and assisted with consultation at Viet Duc Hospital, University Medical Center of HCMC and Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynecology hospital./