
Israel mourns former PM Ariel Sharon

  •   Israel mourns former PM Ariel Sharon
    Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon passed away on January 11, 2014, never regaining consciousness after suffering a brain hemorrhage in January 2006.
    Ariel Sharon served in the IDF for more than 25 years, with the rank of Major-General. Upon leaving the military, he continued to serve the State of Israel both in his many government roles and as the prime minister from 2001 to 2006( His full Biography:Ariel Sharon - Biography - 11Jan14.docxAriel Sharon - Biography - 11Jan14.docx)
    After his death, President Shimon Peres stated : " he was one of Israel's great protectors and most important architects, who knew no fear and certainly never feared vision. He knew how to take difficult decisions and implement them. We all loved him and he will be greatly missed."
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also shared:" Ariel Sharon played a central role in the struggle for the security of the State of Israel over all its years. He was, first and foremost, a courageous fighter and an outstanding general, and was among the IDF's greatest commanders. Upon leaving the military, he continued to work on behalf of the people of Israel both in his many government roles and as the 11th prime minister of the State of Israel. His memory will be enshrined forever in the heart of the nation."
    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman also stated:"Ariel Sharon served the State of Israel from its establishment until the last moment he could, taking part in the central events that shaped its character. Sharon will be remembered first of all as a great military commander who led many important battles. He will go down in the history of Israel as one of the most noteworthy and influential figures."/