Red Alert

Red alert on Gaza strip

  •   Red alert on Gaza strip
    Over 120 rockets were fired at southern Israel from Gaza from Saturday evening (Nov 10) until November 13 and more than 12,000 since January this year. Thousands of people have suffered from injuries and loss. There has been extensive damage to homes, businesses and vehicles. 
    In response to the incessant rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip the IDF has launched a widespread campaign against terror targets in Gaza.
    The operation, called Pillar of Defense, has two main goals: to protect Israeli civilians and to cripple the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza.
    At 16:30 November 14, the IDF targeted Ahmed Jabari, the head of Hamas military wing in the Gaza Strip. Jabari was a senior Hamas operative who served in the upper echelon of the Hamas command and was directly responsible for executing terror attacks against Israel and for the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit who was released after spending many years in Hamas prison.
    In subsequent air strikes, the IDF seriously damaged Hamas' long-range missile and underground weapons storage facilities.
    It is the latest update regarding Pillar of Defense campaign. More details and Videos in the next link: