
Cooperation on Global Food Production

  •   Cooperation on Global Food Production
    ​The Executive Director of WFP(World Food Program) Ertharin Cousin visited the Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research during her visit to Israel 18-22 June, where she saw pioneering work on dry lands farming and increasing yields even in the most difficult conditions, among other innovations.

    “One third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally, so we are also interested in exploring the possibility of developing new ways to minimize post-harvest losses,” Cousin said.
    This visit strengthened the relationship between WFP and Israel’s Agency for International Development, MASHAV. WFP, together with FAO, is keen to further expand the partnership with MASHAV to leverage Israeli technical expertise that will increase the yields of smallholder farmers. Opportunities have been identified in South Sudan and Rwanda, as well as in neighbouring countries where WFP and FAO work together.
    FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva welcomed the opportunity to expand FAO’s partnership with Israel, together with WFP.
    “This collaboration could contribute to the ongoing efforts to sustainably improve productivity of small-scale producers,” said Graziano da Silva.