    • At approximately 09:30 am, an attack was executed against IDF forces operating to decommission a tunnel. Initial indication suggests that an IDF soldier has been abducted by terrorists duri ...
    • Despite assurances from Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip regarding a ceasefire from 08:00 this morning, the Palestinians unilaterally and grossly violated the h ...
    • IDF struck 4 Hamas weapons caches hidden inside mosques. Hamas terrorist map shows tunnel access and rocket launchers in densely populated areas. Third rocket arsenal found in UNRWA school.
    • Early this morning (July 21), two terror squads were detected infiltrating through two tunnels from the northern Gaza Strip into Israel. The Israel Air Force targeted one, soldiers engaged ...
    • If Hamas is weakened, discredited and demilitarized, then we may have a chance to work with more moderate forces and get a better future for all us.