Terrorists breach ceasefire, suspected abduction 1 Aug 2014

Terrorists breach ceasefire, suspected abduction

    At approximately 09:30 am, an attack was executed against IDF forces operating to decommission a tunnel. Initial indication suggests that an IDF soldier has been abducted by terrorists during the incident.
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    IDF soldiers search Hamas tunnels in Gaza IDF soldiers search Hamas tunnels in Gaza : IDF Spokesperson
    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    The IDF implemented the government directive, and commenced a 72-hour ceasefire as of today, August 1, at 08:00 (Israel time).

    This morning, at 9:30 am, in violation of the latest ceasefire, Hamas terrorists, including a suicide attacker, fired at IDF forces in southern Gaza operating to decommission a tunnel.

    The IDF suspects that, during the exchange of fire, Hamas kidnapped 2nd. Lt. Hadar Goldin, an IDF officer, and dragged him into a tunnel. During the event, two IDF soldiers were killed by Hamas fire.

    The IDF is currently conducting extensive searches in order to locate the missing soldier.

    The soldier's family has been notified.

    IDF Coordinator meets with UN Envoy Serry
    (Communicated by the IDF Coordinator of Activities in the Territories Spokesperson)

    IDF Coordinator of Activities in the Territories Maj.-Gen. Yoav Mordechai, today (Friday, 1 August 2014), met with UN envoy Robert Serry and updated him regarding the latest violation by Hamas of a humanitarian ceasefire, this one under the aegis of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and US Secretary of State John Kerry.

    Israel announces that Hamas has thus ended the humanitarian ceasefire and prevented the residents of Gaza from benefiting from it.

    Israel will take strong action in response to the aggression of Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.

    Statement by UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Mr. Robert Serry, on a reported violation of the humanitarian ceasefire

    The Special Coordinator was informed by the Israeli authorities of a serious incident this morning afte rthe start of the humanitarian ceasefire at 8 am, involving a tunnel behind IDF lines in the Rafah area of the Gaza Strip. Two soldiers were reportedly killed, as well as a number of Palestinians.

    The United Nations is not in a position to confirm these reports. However, if corroborated, this would constitute a serious violation of the humanitarian ceasefire in place since 8 am this morning by Gazan militant factions, which should be condemned in the strongest terms.

    Mr. Serry urges the Palestinian parties to last night's understanding to urgently reaffirm their commitment to the humanitarian ceasefire. He is deeply concerned regarding the serious consequences on the ground that could arise as a result of this incident. He will continue his efforts to contain the violence and the risk of renewed escalation.