Registration for a foreign-born

Registration for a foreign-born

  •   Registration of children born abroad to Israeli citizens in official mission abroad
    Israeli citizens whose center of life is abroad are required to register their children born abroad in the Israeli representation, using their foreign passports.

    In light of the outbreak of the Coronavirus and the existing restrictions, considering a large number of applications from Israeli citizens who permanently live abroad and wish to visit Israel with their children, and have not yet registered them in advance, it was decided by the Population and Immigration Authority in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign affairs to allow the entry of minor children of Israeli citizens through their foreign passports, after they have begun the registration process but have not yet completed this procedure, until September 30, 2021.

    After this date, children of Israeli citizens will not be allowed to enter Israel without registration in the Population Registry as required by law and enter with an Israeli passport. 

    To be clarified that in these days, due to the limitations of the Corona, it is required to obtain an exceptional permit for entry to Israel for the purpose of visiting with a foreign passport in case the children do not meet the definition of vaccinated in Israel. 

    In order to obtain a permit to enter Israel with a foreign passport, an application must be submitted to the Israeli Representation abroad.​
