Entry to Israel

Entry to Israel


  • Border Crossings


    Entry to Israel is possible by plane (two international airports: Ben Gurion near Lod and Eilat at the Red Sea) or by ship (port for passenger ships from Europe: Haifa).

    By land, entry from neighbouring countries for tourists is only possible from Jordan (Allenby, Yitzhak Rabin and Jordan River Customs House) and Egypt (Menahem Begin). All border crossings are subject to thorough security checks.

    For information on opening hours and border crossing regulations, please visit the website of the Israel Airport Authorities.​

  • Travel documents and visa entry


    Swiss citizens do not need a visa to enter Israel. The passport must be valid for another 6 months when leaving Israel.  A Swiss emergency passport is valid for entry to Israel and does not require a visa.

    Visas are required for following nationals (current list of countries).

    For further information on visa matters please refer to the tab “Consular Services".

    There are no general entry restrictions for travelers with Arabic visa entries in their passports. Those travelers may undergo a security survey and may need to explain the purpose of his/her trip to the country in question. The border authority at the border crossing has the authority on the final decision of entry.

    Upon entry to Israel, a tourist visa is issued usually for the period of three months. The visa is stamped on a separate sheet and not into the passport. In Israel, you can apply for an extension of the tourist visa at the offices of the Israeli Ministry of the Interior (Misrad HaPnim). If you want to work in Israel, you must apply for a visa with a work permit from the Israeli Ministry of the Interior through your Israeli employer.​ 

  • Customs regulations

    At the border crossings, there is a red/green customs system. Travelers with nothing to declare can usually leave the clearance hall through an exit marked in green without having to open their luggage and pay customs.

    The following items and quantities per person are not subject to customs clearance, for example: personal luggage such as photographic and camera equipment, radio, bicycle, jewellery, 1 liter of spirits, 2 bottles of wine, 200 cigarettes, ¼ liters of perfume and gifts up to a value of 150 US dollars.

    On the other hand, video equipment, video cameras or camcorders, computers and diving equipment are subject to declaration. A deposit must be paid for such equipment.

    Weapons, plants, fresh meat and milk products may not be imported. If you want to bring your own car to Israel, you need a green insurance card with the addition "valid for Israel".

    Foreign exchange must be declared for 50,000 NIS and more.

    Further information on customs regulations for tourists can be found on the website of the Israel Tax Authority.​

  • Drivers licence

    ​​Tourists may drive in Israel with their valid foreign driver's license for a period of one year from the date of entry into Israel. The category of the vehicle driven must match the category specified in the valid licence, and the age requirement must match the Israeli requirements for that category.

    Please check with your car rental company, if they require an additional international driver's license.