Memories from Israel

Memories from Israel

  •   Memories from Israel
    Before I went Israel, I thought that Batia (the coordinator) will come to pick up me in the Airport with Camel and I had to pass through the desert by the Camel.
    When my very first arrival of Israel, oops! Israel is beautiful with pretty Israeli girls, green trees, flowers and amazing airport (really, really strict security check).
    Then I met with unforgettable global friends, and we visited every water resource places including waste water treatment plants. We had been explored national plan of irrigation, research, project etc. etc. We shared our knowledge as we come from every corner of the world. Some facing water shortage, some have flooding.
    I got lots of valuable knowledge in concern with water. We should save every drops of water for our world.
    Israel have his own characteristic- I realized that;
    Always fighting with Palistine, but develop everywhere.
     Friday afternoon and Saturday is holiday, but Sunday is not holiday.
    If you forget your belongings, you can not get back. Because it will destroy by security,as it is national security program. What is more! we visited Jaffa, Masada palace, Moshav group, Sea of Galilee, Jordan river, Nazareth, Western wall of Jerusalem and finally breathtaking Dead sea. .How amazing country!

    By the Holy Water

    The above story and lovely photos  were shared by Ms. Nway Kyai Mone , ​Lecturer( University of Veterinary Science, Myanmar who is currently studying in the University of Queenslands , Australia as a Ph.D Candidate. This is  her memory during her participation in an International training on "Water Management: Decision Making, Environmental Aspects & Risk Assessment" taken place in Israel from  October 24 – November 22 2011. Thanks so much Ms. Nway Kyai Mone for giving us time to send  your story during your tight schedule of studies in Australia. We wish you the best of luck for your study.