Memories from Israel

Memories from Israel

  •   Memories from Israel
    ​We started our trip to Israel on 22nd November 2015.
    ​We took the flight from Yangon to Bangkok and then from Bangkok to Telaviv. On 23rd November 2015 round about 9:30am Israeli time, we arrived at Ramat Rachel Hotel. Our Training started on 24th November 2015 and there were 22 participants from 9 countries ( Vietnam, Uganda, Armenia, Colombia, India, Kenya, Nepal , Nigeria and Myanmar). The A. Ofri International Training Centre members, Ms. Yudith Rosentbal (Director of the center), Mr. Damian Filut (Deputy Director), Mr. Ariel Celga (CourseCoordinator) and Ms, Noa Karazi ( Secretary) were incharge of the centre. Druing the training, we have learned much knowledge about Israeli society, education systemm effective methods of teaching, innovative ways of evaluation system, culture and also their spirit. We got a chance to discuss and share with with other people who participated in the training like us. We got a chance toto pay professional visit to experimental school, community school, teacher's college and PISGA center.We could learned the Israeli education system practicallu and very much impressed with their effective use of technology in teaching and learning process, their close realtionship among teachers, students and parents, their emphasis on creative thinking and innovative ways of teaching. we had great time while we were visiting to the Holy Places, Qumran, Historical sites,Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, Mediterranean sea and Dead Sea. We had see theri beautiful nature, their religion and their heritage. The staff from Ramat Rachel treated us very warmly and friendly. Our course coordinator Mr. Ariel Cegla gave great care to and love to all the participants including our health.We were very much satisfied with their service and pleased with our training because our minds are opened towards creativity thourgh this training.We got back to our country on 16th December 2015 and reported our experience and what we have learnt in Israel to our Ministry of Education. We hope that we will become the members of our education system reform.
    Ms. Myo Thuzar
    Senior Teacher
    Basic Education High School

    Arriving Israel is my first time so I felt strange feeling. we strated our trip on 22nd November 2015 at 7:55 pm from Yangon to Bangkok and then continued to Tel Aviv at 12:05 am from Bangkok and Arrived Tel Aviv at 9:30 am Israeli time. In Israel there are mayy impressive views as well as uniquethings for us. Especially MASHV group is unque. They took care everything for the participants. We got international knowledge wuch as educationa system, socialization, traditional ways, cultural knowledge and developed civization.

    We can adopt good things which are suitable for our country needs and wants. After that we can implement other countrys' educational knowledge in our teaching learning situation to upgrade our education system. It will aid our educational reforms. We need such experiences in order to improve our education system. I heard that the constantly changing in Education is the "Change". Thus, we need to change or exchange based on other foreign teaching learning strategies.

    Due to the "Cultural Exhibition" we had a chanve to present about our countr's nature, culture, socio economic system, education system, national races and population. From the professional visit, we got the most valuable precious things like interesting teaching aids, class size, teacher- pupil-parent relationships etc. I have already shared this knowledge in my

     college. My students are really satisfied with my presentation. I can implement in my lesson on how to use or how to make teaching aids by showing teaching aids from Israel and the classroom design and decoration. This is very effective for all of us. Soon I will share among my peer who are heads of schools about the Israeli education system. I intend to implement in their schools.

    From tour to holy places, we gained and regcognised the heritage of Israel. Travelling to Sea of Galile, Jordan River, Mediterranean Sea and Dead Sea is the pleasant time of my life. We would like to say thanh you very very much to Israel beacuse we can apply suitable ways to build a modern developmed nation through knowledge from the experience of Israel.

    I came back to Myanmar on 16th December 2014 but I will always miss the days of my staying and learning in Israel.

    Ms. Zar Zar Yadana Myint

    Assistant Lecturer

    English Language Teaching Department

    Taungoo Education College

    The above stories were shared by Ms. Zar Zar Yadana Myint and Ms. Myo Thu Zar from the Ministry of Education.They are  sharing their beautiful memory during their participation in an International training on " Professional Development for In-service Teachers" taken place in Israel from 23rd November to 16th December 2016.Thanks so much  Ms. Zar Zar Yadana Myint and Ms. Myo Thu Zar for their enjoyable story.